Archive for February, 2008

A fresh new year

It’s been a while since I last wrote. I have been decompressing from another successful Women Entrepreneurs’ Small Business Boot Camp.  Our 4th event was a fun celebration and tons of educational options for over 250 women micro-business owners in Scottsdale Arizona.  Check out pictures and info at  If you’d like to hear some of the great speakers that were featured you can sign up for Boot Camp On-Line.  Details are on the site.

As I said, it’s a fresh new year.  When it comes to exhibiting, that means you have a great opportunity to set the tone for success by changing bad habits.  You probably already have your next six months exhibit schedule confirmed.  I hope you and your staff have emptied out all your display cases, set up your booth materials and given them a good looking over.  There is nothing worse than getting to a show and finding out that the person who packed up  the show last November forgot to tell you they broke the (fill in the blank)  It happens all the time.  I get plenty of calls this time of year from frantic customers during their set up.  The lights were not in the case, the pop up frame is broken, can I send out an extra part?  It is also a great opportunity to introduce new booth staff to the display.  I know it might be costly to set up a larger exhibit, but your exhibit house might offer a yearly maintanance check that you can observe.  Let your new staff provide fresh eyes.  What about a new image this year?  Do the graphics  still reflect your company goals and current marketing messages?  Don’t wait. Pull out the exhibit today and check over every inch.  This small step will save you countless hours of aggrevation in the near future.

Let me know if I can help with some new ideas to stimulate your creative juices.
